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Saturday 2 March 2013


Osama Zia | Saturday 2 March 201311:05 | | | | 5 Comments so far


The margin clears an area around an element (outside the border). The margin does not have a background color, and is completely transparent.
The top, right, bottom, and left margin can be changed independently using separate properties. A shorthand margin property can also be used, to change all margins at once.

Possible Values

Value Description
auto The browser calculates a margin
length Specifies a margin in px, pt, cm, etc. Default value is 0px
% Specifies a margin in percent of the width of the containing element
inherit Specifies that the margin should be inherited from the parent element
Remark It is possible to use negative values, to overlap content.

Margin - Individual sides

In CSS, it is possible to specify different margins for different sides:



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Margin - Shorthand property

To shorten the code, it is possible to specify all the margin properties in one property. This is called a shorthand property.
The shorthand property for all the margin properties is "margin":


margin:100px 50px;

Try it yourself »
The margin property can have from one to four values.
  • margin:25px 50px 75px 100px;
    • top margin is 25px
    • right margin is 50px
    • bottom margin is 75px
    • left margin is 100px

  • margin:25px 50px 75px;
    • top margin is 25px
    • right and left margins are 50px
    • bottom margin is 75px

  • margin:25px 50px;
    • top and bottom margins are 25px
    • right and left margins are 50px

  • margin:25px;
    • all four margins are 25px


More Examples

Set the top margin of a text using a cm value
This example demonstrates how to set the top margin of a text using a cm value.
Set the bottom margin of a text using a percent value
This example demonstrates how to set the bottom margin in percent, relative to the width of the containing element.

All CSS Margin Properties

Property Description
margin A shorthand property for setting the margin properties in one declaration
margin-bottom Sets the bottom margin of an element
margin-left Sets the left margin of an element
margin-right Sets the right margin of an element
margin-top Sets the top margin of an element


The margin clears an area around an element (outside the border). The margin does not have a background color, and is completely transparent.
The top, right, bottom, and left margin can be changed independently using separate properties. A shorthand margin property can also be used, to change all margins at once.

Possible Values

Value Description
auto The browser calculates a margin
length Specifies a margin in px, pt, cm, etc. Default value is 0px
% Specifies a margin in percent of the width of the containing element
inherit Specifies that the margin should be inherited from the parent element
Remark It is possible to use negative values, to overlap content.

Margin - Individual sides

In CSS, it is possible to specify different margins for different sides:



Try it yourself »

Margin - Shorthand property

To shorten the code, it is possible to specify all the margin properties in one property. This is called a shorthand property.
The shorthand property for all the margin properties is "margin":


margin:100px 50px;

Try it yourself »
The margin property can have from one to four values.
  • margin:25px 50px 75px 100px;
    • top margin is 25px
    • right margin is 50px
    • bottom margin is 75px
    • left margin is 100px

  • margin:25px 50px 75px;
    • top margin is 25px
    • right and left margins are 50px
    • bottom margin is 75px

  • margin:25px 50px;
    • top and bottom margins are 25px
    • right and left margins are 50px

  • margin:25px;
    • all four margins are 25px


More Examples

Set the top margin of a text using a cm value
This example demonstrates how to set the top margin of a text using a cm value.
Set the bottom margin of a text using a percent value
This example demonstrates how to set the bottom margin in percent, relative to the width of the containing element.

All CSS Margin Properties

Property Description
margin A shorthand property for setting the margin properties in one declaration
margin-bottom Sets the bottom margin of an element
margin-left Sets the left margin of an element
margin-right Sets the right margin of an element
margin-top Sets the top margin of an element

Monday 11 February 2013

Default Image with left align

Osama Zia | Monday 11 February 201309:36 | | | | 3 Comments so far
Lœrém ipsum dolœr sit âmét, et sèmpér deleniti expeténda ëùm, ùsù dico fabulas fëugàit id. In scripta adipiscï eos, nullam interéssët éam àn. Eù nisl insôlens erroribùs cum. In duo homero accusàtà, vèl œmnîs ôblïque eu. In vôcént àliquïd cum, vel nè debêt éùismod, ex fugit solùtà lâtîné mèl.

Nam éî alterum delïcata tincïdùnt. Eum àt vivéndùm plâtonèm splendîdè. Viris açcùsata adôlescëns eam în, nô vix labore efficiendî, qualïsqûë posidoniùm quo eâ. Vix ad solum ânimàl.

Illum acçusam sçribentur hîs an. Cû facête vœcibùs sîngulis nam, prôbo deléniti dûœ in. Idque sémper scrîpserit èx êùm, his clita ridens sèmper ëî, nam in invenîre êurïpidis mnésarchùm. Qûod prompta èst cu, no admôdum salùtandi répùdiandàè sit, sea çu lùptatum susçipîàntur. Ne eruditi liberâvissé èam.

Vel ne tantâs sènsibus abhœrreant, ad êum civïbus sûàvitàtê percipitùr. At èlît virïs sensibus sed, éx atquî nobis maiorùm has, justo conseqùàt elôquéntiàm nëc éi. Mazîm ùtinâm cœnséctetuër sêd te. Ad eam êlitr appètère perpetua, iûs éx meis évertitûr. Vîs iusto dèfinîtîônëm ea.

Tale lëgimûs voluptua mêl cu, hendrërît ârgûmentum

Tale lëgimûs voluptua mêl cu, hendrërît ârgûmentum ei cum. Pér quis sçrïptorèm et. Mei sùmmo iriure sàpêret eu, hàs éù dênïqué postùlànt. Summo fèugâït prodêssêt vis êx, te mel erat fàstidîï sapientém, has solet tâcimates sèntentïae èt. Cùm îd àpërirî abhorréant, vix tantas utînam vertérem êû. In vis învëniré ratiônîbùs appellantur, êx pri alterà èssênt.

Intègre pèrfectô îndôçtum ân ûsu, id nam utâmûr àncillàé, usu nonumy refœrmidâns ût. Mél eû quandô deleçtus, graéçë nûsquàm èûrîpidis të nec. Mêî no eirmœd fabellas prœdesset. Quo id corpora dissêntiâs dêfînitïonem. Dicant ûbique cîvibus an vél, tibïquè rèfèrréntùr ut nèç. No vél âliquid fiêrênt maiêstàtis.

Ad vêri vivendùm intérpretaris nëç, his sâperet mnesarchum temporibûs çu. Et sït partèm graeçis malûissêt. Eù mêl pâûlœ intëgre dêfinïtionêm, sea habémus commune scrïbêntùr in, vèl quis mollïs àt. Id quâestio intéllegat dùœ. Mél èi lorem lïber omîttam, cu promptà prïncîpés mèa. Cû regîone vœluptua concëptam eûm, êi dïcat consûl îus. Ad qùî utamur erroribùs, modus nùsquam abhôrreânt per ân.

Id ius sœlet èffiçiântûr délicatissimi, vèniâm théophrastus pér cù, qûo illûd decore vîdissë çu. Nêc at fèùgiàt vœluptùâ, an unùm deserunt ëloquèntiam nâm. Vîs ei omnium sâpientèm dissèntiët. Audiam fierènt êûrîpidis ius éu, qûëm mazim fùissèt iùs ut. Nëc id utinam qùodsî, per ad éleifénd întéllégam rèfôrmidans, nisl nostrœ désêrunt éù nëc. Facïlisi ïnsôlëns ad eos, ad vîris ïrâçùndiâ âdvèrsarïum hîs.

Ut duô velît abhôrrèant. Cu justo mùçius antiopâm cum, éï iùs eîûs lïber dîssentiunt. Autem accùsata nœ vël, ïd vis etiam ëxpêtendis. Ea vix vidë duîs ôpôrtèrè, at mêl sçrïbentur intéllégebât, fâçîlïsi volùptatibûs mél èà. Labore repudiàré cum id, qûi harum integre mœléstïë ut.

Detracto adipîsci pèr in, his esse èlit utamur êu. Id has çibô vocènt cœnvéniré, dolores mandàmùs intérpretaris té qûi. Animàl albùcius përtînàciâ ut vel. Ut domïng dïssèntiùnt pro. An prô duïs ïrîurë vidissè, cum omnïs pùtânt fuissêt ét. Ad eos sœlûm nècessîtâtibus, âgàm çommuné invidunt sed te, legère ïntegré ànçillae quô in.

Lœrém ipsum dolœr sit âmét, et sèmpér deleniti expeténda ëùm, ùsù dico fabulas fëugàit id. In scripta adipiscï eos, nullam interéssët éam àn. Eù nisl insôlens erroribùs cum. In duo homero accusàtà, vèl œmnîs ôblïque eu. In vôcént àliquïd cum, vel nè debêt éùismod, ex fugit solùtà lâtîné mèl.

Nam éî alterum delïcata tincïdùnt. Eum àt vivéndùm plâtonèm splendîdè. Viris açcùsata adôlescëns eam în, nô vix labore efficiendî, qualïsqûë posidoniùm quo eâ. Vix ad solum ânimàl.

Illum acçusam sçribentur hîs an. Cû facête vœcibùs sîngulis nam, prôbo deléniti dûœ in. Idque sémper scrîpserit èx êùm, his clita ridens sèmper ëî, nam in invenîre êurïpidis mnésarchùm. Qûod prompta èst cu, no admôdum salùtandi répùdiandàè sit, sea çu lùptatum susçipîàntur. Ne eruditi liberâvissé èam.

Vel ne tantâs sènsibus abhœrreant, ad êum civïbus sûàvitàtê percipitùr. At èlît virïs sensibus sed, éx atquî nobis maiorùm has, justo conseqùàt elôquéntiàm nëc éi. Mazîm ùtinâm cœnséctetuër sêd te. Ad eam êlitr appètère perpetua, iûs éx meis évertitûr. Vîs iusto dèfinîtîônëm ea.

Tale lëgimûs voluptua mêl cu, hendrërît ârgûmentum

Tale lëgimûs voluptua mêl cu, hendrërît ârgûmentum ei cum. Pér quis sçrïptorèm et. Mei sùmmo iriure sàpêret eu, hàs éù dênïqué postùlànt. Summo fèugâït prodêssêt vis êx, te mel erat fàstidîï sapientém, has solet tâcimates sèntentïae èt. Cùm îd àpërirî abhorréant, vix tantas utînam vertérem êû. In vis învëniré ratiônîbùs appellantur, êx pri alterà èssênt.

Intègre pèrfectô îndôçtum ân ûsu, id nam utâmûr àncillàé, usu nonumy refœrmidâns ût. Mél eû quandô deleçtus, graéçë nûsquàm èûrîpidis të nec. Mêî no eirmœd fabellas prœdesset. Quo id corpora dissêntiâs dêfînitïonem. Dicant ûbique cîvibus an vél, tibïquè rèfèrréntùr ut nèç. No vél âliquid fiêrênt maiêstàtis.

Ad vêri vivendùm intérpretaris nëç, his sâperet mnesarchum temporibûs çu. Et sït partèm graeçis malûissêt. Eù mêl pâûlœ intëgre dêfinïtionêm, sea habémus commune scrïbêntùr in, vèl quis mollïs àt. Id quâestio intéllegat dùœ. Mél èi lorem lïber omîttam, cu promptà prïncîpés mèa. Cû regîone vœluptua concëptam eûm, êi dïcat consûl îus. Ad qùî utamur erroribùs, modus nùsquam abhôrreânt per ân.

Id ius sœlet èffiçiântûr délicatissimi, vèniâm théophrastus pér cù, qûo illûd decore vîdissë çu. Nêc at fèùgiàt vœluptùâ, an unùm deserunt ëloquèntiam nâm. Vîs ei omnium sâpientèm dissèntiët. Audiam fierènt êûrîpidis ius éu, qûëm mazim fùissèt iùs ut. Nëc id utinam qùodsî, per ad éleifénd întéllégam rèfôrmidans, nisl nostrœ désêrunt éù nëc. Facïlisi ïnsôlëns ad eos, ad vîris ïrâçùndiâ âdvèrsarïum hîs.

Ut duô velît abhôrrèant. Cu justo mùçius antiopâm cum, éï iùs eîûs lïber dîssentiunt. Autem accùsata nœ vël, ïd vis etiam ëxpêtendis. Ea vix vidë duîs ôpôrtèrè, at mêl sçrïbentur intéllégebât, fâçîlïsi volùptatibûs mél èà. Labore repudiàré cum id, qûi harum integre mœléstïë ut.

Detracto adipîsci pèr in, his esse èlit utamur êu. Id has çibô vocènt cœnvéniré, dolores mandàmùs intérpretaris té qûi. Animàl albùcius përtînàciâ ut vel. Ut domïng dïssèntiùnt pro. An prô duïs ïrîurë vidissè, cum omnïs pùtânt fuissêt ét. Ad eos sœlûm nècessîtâtibus, âgàm çommuné invidunt sed te, legère ïntegré ànçillae quô in.

Image tih default width and right align

Osama Zia | 09:34 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Lōrem ipsūm dolor sit ǣmēt, munere īntegre mǣnðæmus no pēr. Denique cōpiōsǽe īƿstruċtior ne pri, dignissim voluptatūm nēc ǣÞ. Cum eā fēugait gubergren evērtitur, vim ut choro āltērūm. Ūsu ēx vocēnt reprimique, seā te ēpiċuri democritum elaborāret.

Niȝh cōmmunē expetēnðīs ne mēi, īd seæ affert ēruditi laoreet. Sīt eæ iīsque eripūiÞ. In seǣ nætum omnis, sāepe definitiones hās ex, sed ut sæluÞatus conclūdaturque. Ei cibō debitīs seæ, id usu omnēs ǽliqūip pēriċula. No qūod sæncÞus invidunt per, nībh inÞerpreÞaris qui eū. Duō ādhūc Þātīoƿ cū.

Phaēdrum dēlicaÞissimi ān næm, has mucius ōȝlique ǣlīquændō nō. Duo cū agam incorrupte, ēos eā hīnc probæÞūs sūāvitāte. Te prō ðoming āliquip, mel no illūm ādversarīum. Ǽn novum grāeco duo.

Cu cum rebum sōlet, ut quidæm sælutatus vis. Ut mēā æccusata ġloriātur inċorrupÞe. Vim at sūmo sǽperēt contēƿtiones, no quidǣm refērrentūr sit. In verī suscipīÞ scriptorem næm, sea odio quando ǽt.

Eu sēd paulo laÞine oporterē, ƿullam fābellǣs vel eū, mea aliqūīp iƿciderint te. Ne salē falli eos, at ǽmet ǽncillae delēƿitī qui. An iusto dissentīunt per. His ex postēǣ persequerīs, ǣd vix vitaē lābore sǣdipscing, corpora volupÞatībus ei prī. His postulant corrūmpit defiƿiÞioƿes tē, minim zrīl nō seæ.

Ne facete nominǣvī tēmporībus hās, nǽm homerō lucilius philosophia ǽÞ. Duo ēa sumō sēnsibus euripidis, mea taÞīon blandit īnsoleƿs ne. Nē īūdico ǣperiri aliquid quo. Ea cæse decore semper mēi.

No tæle dēbet æċcūmsæn his. Ēi vel veniam ǣccūmsan ēloquēntiæm. Ciȝo laoreet intēllegebǽÞ nē nam, solutǣ timēæm seǣ eū. Per æliqūam cēÞeros ocurrereÞ at, ƿō purto āffērt sed. Īūs nūllām blandit eu, vel interesset theōphræsÞus aƿ.

Vim ei eros prompta. Per prōȝo dīcaÞ feugait eī, nam alii æudiæm vivenðo ād. Veniǣm pōstulænt urbānitǣs vis ūÞ, eum no mundi oportere. Tē fālli pārtēm libris vis, poƿðerūm theōphrāsÞūs uÞ sēd. Ið mǽlis ēuripidis usu, sēd id error urbanitæs inÞellegebat.

Ðuo eī aperiǽm menǣndri, vōcent impeðit eloquentiǣm ǣd vel. Et ius dolores torqūātos. Cum tē nemōrē īnstructior. Sit æt suscipit āppellæntūr, eu democritum ċonsequuntur vis, esÞ oporÞēre dissēntiet an.

Ea eos aūgue labore percipitūr. Ad solum cāusae est. At mūċīus definiebæs duo, veritūs scāevolā ne mel. Seā ne invenire impērðiet repuðiarē, talē rebum scripta ut has. Eam tation consēquūntūr et, sǣncÞūs placerāt mēi te, prī elit ēxerci coƿveƿire ex. Ǣd soleat māiōrum mel, ex vim facer librīs.

Lōrem ipsūm dolor sit ǣmēt, munere īntegre mǣnðæmus no pēr. Denique cōpiōsǽe īƿstruċtior ne pri, dignissim voluptatūm nēc ǣÞ. Cum eā fēugait gubergren evērtitur, vim ut choro āltērūm. Ūsu ēx vocēnt reprimique, seā te ēpiċuri democritum elaborāret.

Niȝh cōmmunē expetēnðīs ne mēi, īd seæ affert ēruditi laoreet. Sīt eæ iīsque eripūiÞ. In seǣ nætum omnis, sāepe definitiones hās ex, sed ut sæluÞatus conclūdaturque. Ei cibō debitīs seæ, id usu omnēs ǽliqūip pēriċula. No qūod sæncÞus invidunt per, nībh inÞerpreÞaris qui eū. Duō ādhūc Þātīoƿ cū.

Phaēdrum dēlicaÞissimi ān næm, has mucius ōȝlique ǣlīquændō nō. Duo cū agam incorrupte, ēos eā hīnc probæÞūs sūāvitāte. Te prō ðoming āliquip, mel no illūm ādversarīum. Ǽn novum grāeco duo.

Cu cum rebum sōlet, ut quidæm sælutatus vis. Ut mēā æccusata ġloriātur inċorrupÞe. Vim at sūmo sǽperēt contēƿtiones, no quidǣm refērrentūr sit. In verī suscipīÞ scriptorem næm, sea odio quando ǽt.

Eu sēd paulo laÞine oporterē, ƿullam fābellǣs vel eū, mea aliqūīp iƿciderint te. Ne salē falli eos, at ǽmet ǽncillae delēƿitī qui. An iusto dissentīunt per. His ex postēǣ persequerīs, ǣd vix vitaē lābore sǣdipscing, corpora volupÞatībus ei prī. His postulant corrūmpit defiƿiÞioƿes tē, minim zrīl nō seæ.

Ne facete nominǣvī tēmporībus hās, nǽm homerō lucilius philosophia ǽÞ. Duo ēa sumō sēnsibus euripidis, mea taÞīon blandit īnsoleƿs ne. Nē īūdico ǣperiri aliquid quo. Ea cæse decore semper mēi.

No tæle dēbet æċcūmsæn his. Ēi vel veniam ǣccūmsan ēloquēntiæm. Ciȝo laoreet intēllegebǽÞ nē nam, solutǣ timēæm seǣ eū. Per æliqūam cēÞeros ocurrereÞ at, ƿō purto āffērt sed. Īūs nūllām blandit eu, vel interesset theōphræsÞus aƿ.

Vim ei eros prompta. Per prōȝo dīcaÞ feugait eī, nam alii æudiæm vivenðo ād. Veniǣm pōstulænt urbānitǣs vis ūÞ, eum no mundi oportere. Tē fālli pārtēm libris vis, poƿðerūm theōphrāsÞūs uÞ sēd. Ið mǽlis ēuripidis usu, sēd id error urbanitæs inÞellegebat.

Ðuo eī aperiǽm menǣndri, vōcent impeðit eloquentiǣm ǣd vel. Et ius dolores torqūātos. Cum tē nemōrē īnstructior. Sit æt suscipit āppellæntūr, eu democritum ċonsequuntur vis, esÞ oporÞēre dissēntiet an.

Ea eos aūgue labore percipitūr. Ad solum cāusae est. At mūċīus definiebæs duo, veritūs scāevolā ne mel. Seā ne invenire impērðiet repuðiarē, talē rebum scripta ut has. Eam tation consēquūntūr et, sǣncÞūs placerāt mēi te, prī elit ēxerci coƿveƿire ex. Ǣd soleat māiōrum mel, ex vim facer librīs.

Image With full width

Osama Zia | 09:32 | | | | Be the first to comment!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci commodo est te, pri cu prima essent, putent numquam sea id. Eu illum electram nam, at tota consul pro, ea ius tantas invidunt intellegebat. Ad eirmod assueverit ius. Ius wisi liberavisse ut, agam theophrastus pri ex. Commune postulant in mel, eos vero decore an. Pro ubique apeirian no, mel an facete albucius omittantur.

Vis propriae appetere vituperata te, his et dicta debitis. Te est debitis elaboraret, sed probo viderer ne. In zril doming ullamcorper eam, reque voluptua no vim. An eam semper ornatus denique. Est ea modo iuvaret splendide. Singulis indoctum corrumpit sea et.

Cu atqui molestiae dissentiunt sea, at modus errem nec, in nec ignota sanctus. Has te tantas nostro offendit, ad viris putent omnium mea, modo dolore eloquentiam cu sit. An quem omnes per. Erant probatus perpetua ea sea. Propriae concludaturque et vim, in has graeco voluptaria.

In duis gubergren pro. An delectus appareat incorrupte mel, vis legere numquam voluptatibus in, eam te possim dolorum sententiae. Vel ne erant dolor hendrerit. Te vix aperiri mentitum probatus. Impedit temporibus ius at, fierent imperdiet vix et.

Ornatus aliquando gloriatur ex quo. An cotidieque delicatissimi duo. Ius tincidunt omittantur an, ipsum appetere definitionem et usu. Ne vim vero utroque, quando tation nostrud mei te. Ea cetero accusata voluptaria vel.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci commodo est te, pri cu prima essent, putent numquam sea id. Eu illum electram nam, at tota consul pro, ea ius tantas invidunt intellegebat. Ad eirmod assueverit ius. Ius wisi liberavisse ut, agam theophrastus pri ex. Commune postulant in mel, eos vero decore an. Pro ubique apeirian no, mel an facete albucius omittantur.

Vis propriae appetere vituperata te, his et dicta debitis. Te est debitis elaboraret, sed probo viderer ne. In zril doming ullamcorper eam, reque voluptua no vim. An eam semper ornatus denique. Est ea modo iuvaret splendide. Singulis indoctum corrumpit sea et.

Cu atqui molestiae dissentiunt sea, at modus errem nec, in nec ignota sanctus. Has te tantas nostro offendit, ad viris putent omnium mea, modo dolore eloquentiam cu sit. An quem omnes per. Erant probatus perpetua ea sea. Propriae concludaturque et vim, in has graeco voluptaria.

In duis gubergren pro. An delectus appareat incorrupte mel, vis legere numquam voluptatibus in, eam te possim dolorum sententiae. Vel ne erant dolor hendrerit. Te vix aperiri mentitum probatus. Impedit temporibus ius at, fierent imperdiet vix et.

Ornatus aliquando gloriatur ex quo. An cotidieque delicatissimi duo. Ius tincidunt omittantur an, ipsum appetere definitionem et usu. Ne vim vero utroque, quando tation nostrud mei te. Ea cetero accusata voluptaria vel.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Lorem Ipsum

Osama Zia | Sunday 3 February 201307:35 | Be the first to comment!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, essent dictas in mea, at eam ceteros delectus tractatos, in est eros debet. Posse definitionem est et. Solum corrumpit te per, liber omittam appetere ad pro. Sit no tota oratio pericula, ius molestie necessitatibus et. Duo deleniti legendos neglegentur et, vis sonet choro graeci ad.

Ad vix aeque fastidii menandri. Ne autem altera intellegebat mea, sale reque alterum ad mei. Doctus vidisse docendi eum id, duis offendit sapientem cu mei, mel simul constituto elaboraret ei. Id latine insolens recusabo vis, ea soleat vivendo urbanitas eos. Et eam clita fastidii.

Mea id sint erat, est dicta timeam an, purto debet instructior cu mea. Has utinam philosophia id. Ut eos error reprimique, sea amet iudico hendrerit an. Verear audire ponderum id sea, vel ad tota modus quando. Ex sit congue aliquam.

Reque eligendi mnesarchum ius ea. Eu omnium dolores nam, pri no illud maluisset gloriatur. Nam ut utinam vulputate expetendis, ne sed indoctum signiferumque, admodum voluptatum id nam. Dolores liberavisse cu eos. Fugit malorum euripidis vix eu. Ei alienum singulis moderatius quo, qui et detracto ullamcorper, ea eos quem aperiam mediocritatem. Graece detraxit lobortis has eu, aliquip aperiri consectetuer sit cu.

Eu nihil aliquam pro, vis sint tota praesent an. Placerat recteque ius no, id his quem scaevola. Id mazim populo pro, cum quis maluisset dissentiunt te. Admodum voluptatibus signiferumque qui cu, usu doming deseruisse suscipiantur ut. Ad nec errem laudem intellegat.

Purto labores efficiantur ad quo. Id mel ridens expetendis, ut vis delectus invidunt pericula. Id vel affert intellegebat, rebum blandit constituam est at. Mei te tempor bonorum civibus. Ut est partem vidisse admodum, ad amet quando aeterno cum.

Sea sale quando aliquam an. Dicta aperiri mea et, delicata scribentur eu mei. Vis ne aeque elitr eirmod. An eruditi forensibus mei, ius ullum paulo torquatos ex.

An causae reformidans pri, pro et fugit laboramus deseruisse, pro ne volumus fierent noluisse. Mel et legendos delicata concludaturque. Solum soleat duo id, ius at velit vivendo deserunt. Eum ad vitae molestiae voluptatum, duo dolores singulis theophrastus eu. Dicunt disputando ei mel, et vim prompta eleifend corrumpit, has at prompta menandri pericula.

Id sit deleniti electram. Ut his maiorum tibique sapientem. Has ad omnis dictas. In causae mentitum sea.

Ad quo tale aliquid intellegam, dicat voluptaria ex his, at eam perfecto repudiandae conclusionemque. Eos ex harum suscipit repudiandae, albucius praesent cum an, cu aeque nonumes mel. Mollis cotidieque contentiones pri no, est in putent omnium. Prompta lucilius eam ne, dico noluisse invidunt pro id. Id dolor recteque convenire quo, ridens commune gloriatur vix eu, brute disputando eos eu. Usu virtute albucius voluptaria cu. Omnis ancillae scriptorem vel ea, appetere intellegam est ad, ignota blandit vel at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, essent dictas in mea, at eam ceteros delectus tractatos, in est eros debet. Posse definitionem est et. Solum corrumpit te per, liber omittam appetere ad pro. Sit no tota oratio pericula, ius molestie necessitatibus et. Duo deleniti legendos neglegentur et, vis sonet choro graeci ad.

Ad vix aeque fastidii menandri. Ne autem altera intellegebat mea, sale reque alterum ad mei. Doctus vidisse docendi eum id, duis offendit sapientem cu mei, mel simul constituto elaboraret ei. Id latine insolens recusabo vis, ea soleat vivendo urbanitas eos. Et eam clita fastidii.

Mea id sint erat, est dicta timeam an, purto debet instructior cu mea. Has utinam philosophia id. Ut eos error reprimique, sea amet iudico hendrerit an. Verear audire ponderum id sea, vel ad tota modus quando. Ex sit congue aliquam.

Reque eligendi mnesarchum ius ea. Eu omnium dolores nam, pri no illud maluisset gloriatur. Nam ut utinam vulputate expetendis, ne sed indoctum signiferumque, admodum voluptatum id nam. Dolores liberavisse cu eos. Fugit malorum euripidis vix eu. Ei alienum singulis moderatius quo, qui et detracto ullamcorper, ea eos quem aperiam mediocritatem. Graece detraxit lobortis has eu, aliquip aperiri consectetuer sit cu.

Eu nihil aliquam pro, vis sint tota praesent an. Placerat recteque ius no, id his quem scaevola. Id mazim populo pro, cum quis maluisset dissentiunt te. Admodum voluptatibus signiferumque qui cu, usu doming deseruisse suscipiantur ut. Ad nec errem laudem intellegat.

Purto labores efficiantur ad quo. Id mel ridens expetendis, ut vis delectus invidunt pericula. Id vel affert intellegebat, rebum blandit constituam est at. Mei te tempor bonorum civibus. Ut est partem vidisse admodum, ad amet quando aeterno cum.

Sea sale quando aliquam an. Dicta aperiri mea et, delicata scribentur eu mei. Vis ne aeque elitr eirmod. An eruditi forensibus mei, ius ullum paulo torquatos ex.

An causae reformidans pri, pro et fugit laboramus deseruisse, pro ne volumus fierent noluisse. Mel et legendos delicata concludaturque. Solum soleat duo id, ius at velit vivendo deserunt. Eum ad vitae molestiae voluptatum, duo dolores singulis theophrastus eu. Dicunt disputando ei mel, et vim prompta eleifend corrumpit, has at prompta menandri pericula.

Id sit deleniti electram. Ut his maiorum tibique sapientem. Has ad omnis dictas. In causae mentitum sea.

Ad quo tale aliquid intellegam, dicat voluptaria ex his, at eam perfecto repudiandae conclusionemque. Eos ex harum suscipit repudiandae, albucius praesent cum an, cu aeque nonumes mel. Mollis cotidieque contentiones pri no, est in putent omnium. Prompta lucilius eam ne, dico noluisse invidunt pro id. Id dolor recteque convenire quo, ridens commune gloriatur vix eu, brute disputando eos eu. Usu virtute albucius voluptaria cu. Omnis ancillae scriptorem vel ea, appetere intellegam est ad, ignota blandit vel at.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

This is a test post

Osama Zia | Wednesday 26 December 201205:07 | | | 4 Comments so far
Have you ever seen a box on some blogs below every post displaying short introduction about the author? Ever wondered to have one? Such about the author box not only makes your post to look more professional but also allows the readers to get more info about the post writer. Giving a background or a little introduction about the author will increase his/her social reputation. In WordPress, about the author box can simply be added by a plugin but in Blogger we need to do all the coding and styling. But you don't have to worry anymore as today we are going to tell you how to automatically add a unique and cool about the author box below every post. The box we are going to share not just have the bio but it also includes small social buttons so that readers can connect with the author on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. We also made full use of CSS3 transitions once again just like we did in our other widgets. Let us add this little beauty on your blog.

Have you ever seen a box on some blogs below every post displaying short introduction about the author? Ever wondered to have one? Such about the author box not only makes your post to look more professional but also allows the readers to get more info about the post writer. Giving a background or a little introduction about the author will increase his/her social reputation. In WordPress, about the author box can simply be added by a plugin but in Blogger we need to do all the coding and styling. But you don't have to worry anymore as today we are going to tell you how to automatically add a unique and cool about the author box below every post. The box we are going to share not just have the bio but it also includes small social buttons so that readers can connect with the author on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. We also made full use of CSS3 transitions once again just like we did in our other widgets. Let us add this little beauty on your blog.

Friday 14 December 2012

This is a test post

Osama Zia | Friday 14 December 201214:37 | 2 Comments so far
After having published and designed over 100+ Navigation Menus for Blogger, both with horizontal and vertical list view, today we would like to share a beautiful menu that has remained the favorite choice of all MBT clients so far. This menu changes color for each tab on mouse hover. It uses simple JavaScript functions to produce neat and clean transition effects. Instead of displaying the sub menu items in traditional vertical drop down list, we aligned them with one another to fit into a single line. Unlike other menus, this widget would easily fit any BlogSpot template without design conflicts. It is positioned at the top most section of your blog to attract readers the most. The installation steps are fun to try and extremely easy. The Menu works fine on all major browsers i.e: IE7+, Safari, Chrome, Mozilla and Opera.  Lets add it to your blogs and get rid of any existing bulky menu that proved no less than a trouble.

After having published and designed over 100+ Navigation Menus for Blogger, both with horizontal and vertical list view, today we would like to share a beautiful menu that has remained the favorite choice of all MBT clients so far. 

After having published and designed over 100+ Navigation Menus

This menu changes color for each tab on mouse hover. It uses simple JavaScript functions to produce neat and clean transition effects. Instead of displaying the sub menu items in traditional vertical drop down list, we aligned them with one another to fit into a single line. Unlike other menus, this widget would easily fit any BlogSpot template without design conflicts. It is positioned at the top most section of your blog to attract readers the most. The installation steps are fun to try and extremely easy. The Menu works fine on all major browsers i.e: IE7+, Safari, Chrome, Mozilla and Opera.  Lets add it to your blogs and get rid of any existing bulky menu that proved no less than a trouble. 

This is a sample text for Yellow Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.  

This is a sample text for Red Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.    

This is a sample text for Blue Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.   

This is a sample text for Green Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.   

After having published and designed over 100+ Navigation Menus for Blogger, both with horizontal and vertical list view, today we would like to share a beautiful menu that has remained the favorite choice of all MBT clients so far. This menu changes color for each tab on mouse hover. It uses simple JavaScript functions to produce neat and clean transition effects. Instead of displaying the sub menu items in traditional vertical drop down list, we aligned them with one another to fit into a single line. Unlike other menus, this widget would easily fit any BlogSpot template without design conflicts. It is positioned at the top most section of your blog to attract readers the most. The installation steps are fun to try and extremely easy. The Menu works fine on all major browsers i.e: IE7+, Safari, Chrome, Mozilla and Opera.  Lets add it to your blogs and get rid of any existing bulky menu that proved no less than a trouble.

After having published and designed over 100+ Navigation Menus for Blogger, both with horizontal and vertical list view, today we would like to share a beautiful menu that has remained the favorite choice of all MBT clients so far. 

After having published and designed over 100+ Navigation Menus

This menu changes color for each tab on mouse hover. It uses simple JavaScript functions to produce neat and clean transition effects. Instead of displaying the sub menu items in traditional vertical drop down list, we aligned them with one another to fit into a single line. Unlike other menus, this widget would easily fit any BlogSpot template without design conflicts. It is positioned at the top most section of your blog to attract readers the most. The installation steps are fun to try and extremely easy. The Menu works fine on all major browsers i.e: IE7+, Safari, Chrome, Mozilla and Opera.  Lets add it to your blogs and get rid of any existing bulky menu that proved no less than a trouble. 

This is a sample text for Yellow Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.  

This is a sample text for Red Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.    

This is a sample text for Blue Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.   

This is a sample text for Green Box Conveyingideas.blogspot.com tip. You can make changes in it i:e Color change, font style, font color, font family and back ground color. Below is the article showing you how can you do it by simple steps.   


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